Indian Legal Wing(ILW) is India's own Legal Platform that aims to cater to the exclusive needs of legal personalities and everyone who are interested in the filed of Law. It's an initiative of connecting Layman to Lawman. We bring forth Law and its distinct aura through our insightful features and opportunities to make law always exciting. Indian Legal Wing ( ILW) promises its readers the ‘Legal perspective’, different opportunities and facilities with a essence and an easy outlook!
Curiosity and a love of learning are the best things we can instill among the students. That’s why we focus at providing all possible opportunities as well as assistance to the student so that they can enhance their personality as well as individuality .We aim at providing all possible solution at a common platform and to make it possible that every student gets an opportunity as per their talent and capability.
Our main aim is to connect Layman with Lawman with the Legal Platforms. We provide different opportunities for everyone connected to law. We also provide the opportunities to the general masses. With a distinct flavour of Law , Indian Legal Wing(ILW) provides an exciting collection of well researched and valuable articles, blogs, study materials which are available in our library section. We also provide daily legal updates, different juristic opinions, along with analytical and incisive insights.
We also organise various interesting events, competitions and others important activities which are important from the point of view of law. We have an intership section where the interested candidates can apply for their Internship.
We also provide the platform of legal consultations to the needy people.
Our ambition is to make the legal field easy for the common masses.
"Indian Legal Wing (ILW) is the soul of the Legal Platform, connecting Layman to Lawman , voicing their aspirations. Law is the pulse of Society and Indian Legal Wing is –living, rising and growing with the law."